A Spider, A Lizard, An Octopus and an Electric Eel Walk Into A Wizard's Basement...
Weekly Catchup
Welcome Back!
What We’ve Been Watching:
- Cobra Kai Season 4 Release
- Level Up Gordan Ramsay’s Latest Show
- Boba Fett Disney Plus Premier
- GBBO on Netflix
- New Wipeout
- Chris Evans in talks to play Gene Kelly in a new movie (set to produce moving alongside John Logan [wrote The Gladiator, The Aviator, Sweeny Todd and Skyfall], Rian Johnson and Ram Bergman [all worked on Knives Out], as well as Mark Kassian.
- Morbius delayed until April
- Made by BTS line
Betty White and Bob Saget :(
Spider-Man Review
- Our Initial Thoughts
- The big 3 reveal
- The redemption of each of the Peter’s
- Just MJ
- Ned is a wizard?!
- Loss and Grief for Peter
- The breaking of the universe and what’s next??
- Will the world ever remember our Peter Parker?
- The ending
Dr. Strange and the Multiverse Of Madness Trailer Drop!!
- Multiple Dr. Stranges
- Wanda, is she the protagonist or antagonist?
- America Chavez reveal